Personal Branding. Why do you need a personal brand? Because it can get you a job. Because it tells you about you. Because it tells you what to tell others about you.
The personal branding process is transformative. It makes a huge difference in people's careers. You'll end up knowing things about yourself you never knew before. You'll find it thrilling, enlightening, and empowering.
Whether you immerse yourself in our in-depth personal branding experience or go through our fast-tracked process, you will have critical takeaways: the answer to "tell me about yourself"; the guiding marketing messages for your executive resume and LinkedIn profile; an executive biography; content for online profiles; and, should you choose it, a blogsite to serve as the "home" for your personal brand on the Web.
Any confusion you may have about your professional identity will be sorted out. Any doubts about your value at work dispelled. And any anxiety about where you are going soothed.
Personal branding is the best idea to come out of the careers industry in decades. A lot of us have been doing it intuitively for years. But now we have a powerful new methodology and 360-degree assessment from personal branding guru, William Arruda (williamarruda.com).
When is a resume not a resume? When it is a branded executive resume. It's a whole new breed of cat. The ROI on personal branding and developing a branded resume starts and never stops. It's worth your while. As a certified professional resume writer and personal branding strategist, I suggest you go for it. You won't regret it.